Legacy Briefing

This brief guide completes the band’s previous releases, and what a package they are! The albums bring to you, great sounds and moments in times of long ago, and had brought to all fans some great songs and music that showed the world they were much more than another pop band. The material available now has really put them back into the market, and it shows too. People have bought them, and you the true fans have begun to review them, and post them on line too for others to read and taste.

As said at the beginning, they make a truly wonderful platform for the entire Legacy Project, for they are now an important part of that, not just history or vague memories of a long forgotten time – it’s bringing the past right up to date!

The new “Legacy releases” will all be available on line at the Gonzo Multimedia on the dedicated Splinter online shop, so pop along and grab one of the new albums yourself there is some true and enduring musical talent contained within the sleeves for one to simply marvel at. You won’t regret it at all, and you might then go looking for those elusive great earlier releases from another bygone but not forgotten age.

You now have the basic outlying knowledge of Splinter’s earlier releases from 1974 to 1981. After 1984, when both members went their separate ways a large void appeared. There were no re-releases, or “best of” packages, to keep the duo in the public spotlight, so a gradual decline in fan recognition came about, except for the true die – hard fan. It’s you out there that have done an excellent job and kept the band in the frame, clinging on, hoping that one day new material, or a new package would be forthcoming.

In 2018, those wishes were partially answered, with the re-issuing of the band’s first five albums (which we have already outlined previously to you here). We will be undertaking full reviews of the material for this website in good time, but it is to the new material that we now turn our attention to.


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