NEWSFLASH!! NEWSFLASH!! – AUGUST / SEPTEMBER. 2021The new Splinter Live In England 1974- 1977 CD/Album is officially released on September 15th. This all-new album contains 14 tracks that form a live concert for the duo from their greatest years of touring England. The songs were performed at several locations and have ben seamlessly…

Billy Elliott

Home SHOP Buy from the Gonzo Multi-Media shop News DISCOGRAPHY Lifeline Legacy Briefing Testimonials Newsletter Signup to the Newsletter CONTACT Sad passing of Splinter Member Billy Elliott Home SHOP Buy from the Gonzo Multi-Media shop News DISCOGRAPHY Lifeline Legacy...

New Splinter Album to be Released later this year !!

Home SHOP Buy from the Gonzo Multi-Media shop News DISCOGRAPHY Lifeline Legacy Briefing Testimonials Newsletter Signup to the Newsletter CONTACT New Splinter Album to be Released later this year !! Home SHOP Buy from the Gonzo Multi-Media shop News DISCOGRAPHY...

May / June

Home SHOP Buy from the Gonzo Multi-Media shop News DISCOGRAPHY Lifeline Legacy Briefing Testimonials Newsletter Signup to the Newsletter CONTACT May / June Splinter News Home SHOP Buy from the Gonzo Multi-Media shop News DISCOGRAPHY Lifeline Legacy Briefing...

March / April Splinter News

Good news indeed – the response to the band’s first album in 39 years Never Went Back has nothing short of brilliant. It seems that the two-man format of the band in their true sense has been exactly what the doctor ordered. The remarks sent back really show that great original music still has a place in many hearts.
Both Billy and Bobby thank you all personally for all the interest that has been…